This study aims to analyze the factors that cause delays and analyze the time and cost of the acceleration method with the addition of the number of workers and the addition of working hours to obtain a more efficient comparison of the acceleration method for project completion. As for the steps in this study, namely the collection of data in the form of questionnaire results and existing project data, including the Budget Plan (RAB), Analysis of Work Unit Prices (AHSP) and Time Schedule. Factors causing project delays based on questionnaires were analyzed using interest index calculations with validity and reliability testing, in order to obtain the top ranking of factors causing delays with a value of 𝑟ℎ = 0.502 < 𝑟𝑡 = 0.576 with "valid" test results caused by changes in material or material specifications. The results of the analysis of project plan conditions with a duration of 369 days, direct costs of Rp. 11,092,954,636.14 and an indirect cost of Rp. 2,160,276,709.31, and the results of the acceleration analysis with the addition of the number of workers (alternative 1) obtained a duration of 350 days with a direct cost of Rp. 11,092,954,636.14 and an indirect cost of Rp. 2,160,276,709.31, while the results of the acceleration analysis with the addition of working hours (alternative 2) obtained a duration of 364 days with a direct cost of Rp. 11,648,582,543.10 and an indirect cost of Rp. 1,604,648,802.35.
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