
The inconsistency of results in previous research regarding the influence of Country of Origin and Perceived Quality on Purchase Interest is the basis for re-raising a similar research theme. The object of this research is domestic products, where the products studied are specifically electronic products. Electronic products are a product category whose brand strength is often perceived by involving the name of the country of origin. The domestic electronic product used as the object of research is the Polytron brand electronic product, because it is one of the largest local electronic goods producers that is able to compete with foreign electronic goods. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of country of origin and perceived quality on interest in purchasing polytron products in Mataram. Determination of the sample using the purposive sampling method. Research respondents are consumers who use electronic products other than the Polytron brand in Mataram City. This research uses structural equation modeling analysis (SEM analysis) with the AMOS application. The research results show that Country of Origin has a positive and significant effect on Perceived Quality, Country of Origin has a positive and significant effect on Purchase Interest, Perceived Quality has a positive and significant influence on Purchase Interest. Indirectly, Country of Origin has a positive and significant effect on Purchase Interest through Perceived Quality.


Country Of Origin; Perceived Quality; Purchase Interest

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