Interfaith marriage is a common phenomenon in society, including in Bali, which has a strong cultural and Hindu religious specificity. This research aims to understand the legal implications of marriage without conducting the Sudhi Wadani procession and to elucidate the significance of implementing this ceremony for the Balinese community. The research methodology employed is juridical-empirical with a phenomenological qualitative approach, conducted through in-depth interviews with relevant informants in the Belatungan Village. The findings indicate that interfaith marriage can have complex legal consequences, especially concerning the status of children and inheritance rights. The importance of Sudhi Wadani in Balinese society is evident from its role in uniting individuals from different religious backgrounds into the Hindu belief system, as well as providing official confirmation of an individual's religious status in legal and customary contexts. Therefore, the Sudhi Wadani ceremony must be upheld as an integral part of Bali's cultural and Hindu religious heritage to maintain harmony and the community's identity.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35327/gara.v18i1.775
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