This study aims to determine the Effect of Transactional Leadership Style and Transformational Leadership Style on Employee Performance Through Work Discipline at the Buleleng National Land Agency Office. The data analysis technique used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on variance SEM, which is well known as Partial Least Square (PLS) visual version 3.0.
The results of this study indicate that the effect of transactional leadership style on employee performance is positive and significant where the coefficient value is 0.381 and the t value is 3.577. The effect of transformational leadership style on employee performance is positive and significant where the coefficient value is 0.267 and the t value is 2.027. The effect of transactional leadership style on work discipline is positive and significant where the coefficient value is 0.333 and the t value is 3.423. The effect of transformational leadership style on work discipline is positive and significant where the coefficient value is 0.576 and the t value is 5.890. The influence of work discipline on employee performance is positive and significant where the coefficient value is 0.330 and the t value is 2.838. The effect of transactional leadership style on employee performance through work discipline is positive and significant where the coefficient value is 0.110 and the t value is 2.140. The influence of transformational leadership style on employee performance through work discipline is positive and significant where the coefficient value is 0.190 and the t value is 2.510Keywords
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