The Samota Road access development project continued in Sumbawa Regency is one part of the Samota area development project which acts as access to mobilization and supports the acceleration of development, economy, social and culture. In large-scale road works, heavy equipment is needed to facilitate work in a relatively shorter time. Errors in the operating time of heavy equipment and differences in the work field will affect cycle time and have an impact on productivity. This study aims to determine the amount of heavy equipment cycle time, heavy equipment productivity, and the effect of cycle time on heavy equipment productivity. The methods used in this research are time study and correlation methods. The time study method is a measurement of work by collecting data based on the time needed to complete a job so that productivity can be calculated, while the correlation method is an analysis to determine the level of relationship between the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y).
Based on data analysis, the value of cycle time, productivity and the effect of cycle time on heavy equipment productivity were obtained. In segment 1, the cycle time of the motor grader is 303,247 seconds with a productivity of 916,037 m2/hour and the cycle time of the vibratory roller is 612,345 seconds with a productivity of 1061,400 m3/hour. For the effect of cycle time on the productivity of the motor grader, the correlation test result is 0,986 and the vibratory roller is 0,999. In segment 4, the motor grader cycle time is 316,107 seconds with a productivity of 831,112 m2/ hour and the vibratory roller cycle time is 655,370 seconds with a productivity of 988,200 m3/hour. For the effect of cycle time on motor grader productivity, the correlation test results were obtained at 0,975 and vibratory roller at 0,999. In both segments, there is a very strong influence and relationship between variable X (cycle time) and variable Y (productivity).
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35327/gara.v18i4.1181
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