
Drug management is an activity that plays an important role in health development. This activity starts from the process of planning, requesting, receiving, storing, distributing, sorting, controlling, administering and monitoring and evaluating. This study aims to analyze the knowledge of health workers from several health centers in the Central Lombok Regency area about the drug management system based on Permenkes Number 26 of 2020. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method which aims to analyze the level of knowledge of health workers at puskesmas in the Central Lombok Regency area. Qualitative data was obtained from direct interviews with health workers, especially pharmaceutical workers who work in Central Lombok health centers. The results showed that the level of knowledge of health workers in the drug management process was quite good. The results of knowledge on the drug management process show that most of the indicators covering the process of receiving and distributing have reached 83% - 87% in the “Very Good” category while in the process of planning, requesting, storing, destroying, controlling, administering and monitoring and evaluating are still in the “Good” category with a value of 61% - 74%. It can be concluded that the knowledge of health workers at health centers in the Central Lombok Regency area as a whole is in the “Good” category and has been carried out according to Permenkes No. 26 of 2020.


Level Of Understanding; Drug Management; Health Worker

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